Public Safety Violations
Public safety crimes are crimes that often seem trivial. These crimes are important because they help officers deal with situations before they get out of control. Public safety crimes are violations that can lead to physical harm of a person or persons. Many times these crimes are very subjective, enforced only against the lower class and border on infringement of a person’s rights. However, most survive constitutional challenges under the guise of being in the interest of public safety.
Public safety crimes are crimes that often seem trivial. These crimes are important because they help officers deal with situations before they get out of control. Public safety crimes are violations that can lead to physical harm of a person or persons. Many times these...
People who are cited or arrested for public intoxication are usually those who leave a bar or other type of establishment and start to yell or try to start a fight. Many people who are arrested for public intoxication have alcohol levels that are extremely high, and may...
Disturbing the peace is a large category that encompasses many activities. It is the crime that is charged when you make too much noise. In a charge for disturbing the peace, you do not have to be intoxicated, and it may not be you that is taking the action that is...
Disorderly Conduct is a “catch all” crime. If the actions of the individual are bordering on dangerous, but don’t quite rise to the level of other crimes, law enforcement will probably make an arrest for disorderly conduct. The thought is that it is better...
Criminal Offense Categories

The United States of America has two types of courts, Federal Courts and State...