Football season is here and millions of Indianapolis Colts fans are gearing up for another exciting Manning-less - and hopefully Luck-full - run for the playoffs, preferably beyond the first round this year. Hey, we get it. Being a Colts fan can drive anyone to drink. Before you leave the stadium...
Criminal Law Blog

Ask any seasoned bartender or party-hardened college student, and chances are that they have been a witness to many of “over-consumption episodes” both in bars and on campus. Not everybody handles their liquor the same, but no matter what your behavior while consuming alcohol, it is...

No matter who you are, getting behind the wheel after a few drinks is never a good idea. Drunk driving is dangerous, not to mention a serious problem with legal consequences that can affect you for the rest of your life. Enlisted members of the military are not exempt from these penalties either....

California is tough on drugs. Take the harshest set of sentencing guidelines in the country, combine it with a “three-strikes-and-you’re-out” policy and a California drug charge can spell disaster for even the most recreational user. Put "Getting arrested in California"...

California! With all the beaches, nightlife, beautiful cities, and tourism, this state seems like it could be one of the laxest states in the nation. While California can definitely be easy going, one thing it is far from relaxed on is DUIs. With Fresno, California being in the news for the strict...

Summertime and music: the perfect combination. There’s nothing quite like a warm, sultry weekend in the great outdoors with your friends, singing along and dancing to your favorite bands. Summer music festivals are a great way to have some summertime fun, but adding too much alcohol to...

Fresno, California has everything a young person could want: there is plenty of warm weather, tons of busy bars, and a plethora of vibrant people to socialize with. However, as USA Today states, “Fresno may be the toughest city in the nation on drunken drivers.”
Back in May, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) announced that it wants all states to lower the legal limit of blood-alcohol content (BAC) from 0.08 to 0.05 percent for DUI charges to apply. BAC is recorded via breathalyzer at the time of a DUI stop and used as evidence against...

Parole violations are a serious matter and, typically, parole brings up many questions. With Michigan cracking down on parole violations, more than 1,000 people on parole have been taken back into custody since January. One wonders what does it mean to violate parole? Will I go back to...

You’re out on a Friday night. It’s been a tough week, you fought with your significant other and you just need to unwind with a couple of brews at the local pub. You’ve only had five beers and you don’t feel like you’re drunk. "Nah," you tell yourself...
Criminal Offense Categories

The United States of America has two types of courts, Federal Courts and State...