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Work with a Trusted State Criminal Attorney Today
If you have been charged recently with a criminal offence as the state level such as DUI or domestic violence, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns about what will happen next, who you can find to listen to your side of the events, what your legal rights are, and - most importantly - how this unfortunate incident will affect your personal life, your job and your family.
All of these things will be answered when you hire an attorney. The sooner you speak with a qualified lawyer, the sooner you will be able to reduce the effects of the charges against you and take action to help avoid legal mistakes. You need to quickly consult with a Georgia criminal lawyer who has a proven history of defending cases that are similar to yours. You do of course have the right to remain silent until you have sought counsel and the sooner you meet with a potential attorney, the better off you will be. Bear in mind that not everyone who has been charged with a state offense has been found guilty. When you partner with a criminal lawyer, they will be able to protect you and your family throughout this time and give you information on what your various options and legal rights are. Many attorneys will offer a free consultation the first time you meet, so you will be able to get some of this advice up front.
Are You In Need of Trusted Defense for Criminal Charges?
Our criminal attorneys have expertise in a wide variety of criminal offenses from solicitation to kidnapping to DUI. We have lawyers who practice in diverse areas: fraud, weapons charges, theft, probation violations, white collar crimes and many more. You need to act quickly. It doesn't matter if you are already facing charges or you suspect that there may be forthcoming repercussions for a past act, the longer you wait around the more difficult it is to build up a good defense. Our Georgia criminal attorneys know this and they also understand how the justice system works, especially at the state level. They will be able to offer sound advice when you come in for your initial meeting.
Build a Strong Defense for DUIs
One of the most common charges that people will face at a state level is the charge of DUI. The consequences of this can vary and can include everything from a night in jail and heavy fine to a suspended driver's license, alcohol education and other penalties.
If you are charged with a DUI, you will need a criminal lawyer who is knowledgeable about state laws and who has experience handling cases like yours. Our Georgia attorneys will help to determine if you qualify as a first offender, how to design your defense, how this can affect parts of your life like your job, and what penalties you may face.
Concentrated on Different Areas of the Law
Our attorneys concentrate in specific areas of the law. They work in these areas as to gain an extensive knowledge and understanding of the exact criminal charges you face. They know the state laws that will come into play for your case and they know the most effective strategies to help with your defense. We will be able to match you up with the most qualified lawyer on the team who has the experience needed for your specific case.
What You Should Expect from Your Lawyer
At your first meeting, you will be able to speak with your criminal attorney about the facts of the case. He or she will be able to share their expertise of the law as it applies to your situation. You should always be honest and candid when speaking with your lawyer. They must keep all of your information confidential and will work with your best interest in mind. You should always take your lawyer's advice and be patient as you explore the steps of your case.
A Strong Reputation Counts
Our professional lawyers belong to numerous associations like the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Their work history is easy to track and all of them have been fully vetted as we want you to have the most competent and reliable attorney working on your behalf.
Choose Attorneys That You Can Trust
How do you figure out which is the most suitable criminal lawyer for you? The right criminal attorney for you is one who will work to provide you with an informed defense. They will build trust with you, work with the highest ethical standards and bring professional confidence into your case.
Our top Georgia lawyers know will advise you on how to handle your personal case and will do so with care and diligence. Avoid mistakes in the near future by finding a lawyer as quickly as possible during this time in order to protect your rights and give yourself peace of mind. Call today and be connected with a reputable criminal attorney.
Are You Being Charged of a Crime in Georgia?
Georgia differentiates between lesser and more serious crimes by designating two broad categories of crimes – misdemeanors and felonies. As in other states, misdemeanors are less serious crimes, while felonies are more grave. As you would expect, the sentences and punishments handed down for felonies are much more severe than those imposed for misdemeanors.
Crimes are also classified by specific types of crime in the Georgia Code (O.C.G.A.). Property crimes involve unlawful actions undertaken in order to obtain property, money, services, or other benefits. These include crimes of burglary, property theft, and auto theft. Violent crimes are those which include force or threats of force against another individual. Violent crimes are often treated as more serious because of the intent to harm another person.
If you have been charged with a crime in Georgia, you do not have to build a defense on your own. Criminal defense attorneys across the state dedicate their legal careers to maintaining a strong familiarity with the specifics of criminal defense. By choosing to work with experienced and knowledgeable criminal lawyers in Georgia, you can greatly ease the pressure and stress that comes with facing criminal charges.
A criminal defense lawyer should be prepared to handle defense against both felonies and misdemeanors, and build a case refuting charges for crimes against the person, property, or theft. Our lawyers have extensive experience with the broad variety of charges in Georgia. They bring a personal, dedicated approach to every case. Remember – even if the charge you are facing is a misdemeanor, conviction can result in a one year jail sentence.
Facing criminal charges in Georgia? Find a Georgia criminal lawyer here.
Five Common Crimes Charged in Georgia
Criminal Lawyer is dedicated to providing basic information on criminal charges and the criminal legal process in Georgia. However, there is no substitute for speaking with a qualified Georgia criminal defense attorney. If you have questions about the specific accusations or charges against you or a loved one, contact a lawyer today.
The Georgia Code identifies a multitude of crimes that fall under the broad category of theft. Georgia calls the most common of these – the ones most often called larceny in other states – theft by taking. Theft by taking, as defined in O.C.G.A. § 16-8-2, involves the unlawful taking or being in possession of the property of another person, with the intention of depriving the other person of that property. Georgia makes it clear that the manner or way in which the property was taken or appropriated does not matter.
Theft by taking is a less serious misdemeanor if the value of the property taken is $500 or less. The sentence for such misdemeanor theft is a fine of up to $1,000 and maximum of 12 months in jail. Theft of property valued at more than $500 may be charged as a felony, but judges in Georgia have the right to exercise discretion in determining whether to charge a theft over $500 as a misdemeanor or a felony. If charged as a felony, it carries a minimum jail sentence of 12 months which could be as long as 10 years, in addition to the potential for a significant fine.
Other types of theft addressed in the Georgia Code include theft by deception in O.C.G.A. § 16-8-3 , theft by conversion O.C.G.A. § 16-8-4, theft of services O.C.G.A. § 16-8-5, theft of lost property O.C.G.A. § 16-8-6, theft of stolen property taken out of the state O.C.G.A. § 16-8-8, theft of stolen property brought into the state O.C.G.A. § 16-8-9, theft by shoplifting O.C.G.A. § 16-8-214, and theft by extortion O.C.G.A. § 16-8-16. Each of these categories contemplates certain factors that affect the severity of that crime. Just as theft by taking can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, the same is true for each of these other theft-related crimes based on the value and type of property taken.
Looking for theft lawyers in Georgia? Start your search here.
Simple and Aggravated Assault
Georgia law defines assault as an attempt to cause physical harm or injury to another individual, and a broad range of actions and circumstances can lead to the filing of assault charges. Assault includes actually taking a swing at someone outside a bar and even merely making threats, if those threats are of a nature that make the other individual reasonably fear impending violence. Georgia law differentiates between two different types of assault – simple assault and aggravated assault.
Simple assault, found in O.C.G.A. § 16-5-20, is a misdemeanor, and it is punishable by one year in prison or a fine as high as $1,000. When such an assault involves any of the following circumstances, it can be charged as a high and aggravated misdemeanor, and the penalties are more severe. For example, simple assault becomes a high and aggravated misdemeanor when it is committed:
Aggravated assault is a more serious crime under O.C.G.A. § 16-5-21. It is defined as assault with the intent to murder, rape, or rob someone; assault with a deadly weapon; or assault by shooting a firearm within a motor vehicle. Aggravated assault is a felony in Georgia, and it can be punished by a prison sentence of not less than one year and up to 20 years. In certain egregious circumstances, the minimum sentence is increased to five years. These circumstances include aggravated assault that is committed:
Looking for burglary lawyers in Georgia? Start your search here.
Traditionally, burglary in Georgia was the entering an occupied or unoccupied building without permission of the owner, and with the intention of committing a crime. While theft is the purpose of most burglaries, the law is clear on the point that burglary can also be committed with the intention to commit other crimes. The Georgia Code breaks burglary into three types in O.C.G.A. § 16-7-1 and O.C.G.A. § 16-7-2.
First degree burglary is defined as the act of entering a dwelling to commit theft or a felony. The home may be occupied, unoccupied or vacant, and this may affect the sentence, but not the charges themselves. First degree burglary is punishable by a maximum prison sentence of twenty years, and the court may also require the individual to pay substantial fines.
Many states, including Georgia, have expanded the parameters of their burglary laws to include commercial buildings. Burglaries committed in a building other than a residential dwelling, whether for the purpose of theft or another felony, are second degree burglaries in O.C.G.A. § 16-7-1(c), and they carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
Burglary of a retail business is called smash and grab burglary under O.C.G.A. § 16-7-2. It occurs when a person enters a retail space with the intent to commit theft, and causing damage equal to or greater than $500. Individuals charged with smash and grab burglary face a maximum prison sentence of 20 years prison sentence and fines of up to $100,000.
Looking for aggravated assault lawyers in Georgia? Start your search here.
Within O.C.G.A. § 40-6-391, Georgia actually imposes two different charges for driving under the influence (DUI). What most people usually think of as DUI is called DUI per se; however, a lesser charge known as impaired DUI or DUI-less-safe covers certain other circumstances. As in most states, DUI per se is appropriate when a chemical test, such as a breathalyzer, shows that your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or above. Of course, other drugs that may be found in your system can also lead to DUI charges.
Although an impaired DUI charge doesn’t require an actual test of your BAC, you can be charged with impaired DUI any time an officer feels that chemical substances have made you a less safe driver, even if you refuse the breathalyzer test.
DUI penalties in Georgia depend upon the level of your BAC at the time of arrest and whether it is your first DUI offense. First-time offenders are charged with a misdemeanor which can require up to 12 months in jail, a maximum fine of $1,000, participation in a risk reduction program, and community service. Typically, first-time offenders serve their jail time through probation, but if your BAC was higher than 0.08%, you will be required to serve at least 24 hours in jail.
Individuals convicted of multiple DUIs can be sentenced to a minimum jail term of 90 days and may serve up to one year. Fines, hours of community service, and administrative penalties such as license suspension will also be increased. Individuals who accumulate four or more DUI convictions on their record within a 10-year period can be charged with a felony, which means a possible increase in their jail sentence to as long as five years in prison.
Looking for Georgia DUI lawyers? Start your search here.
Murder is the most serious violent crime one can commit in Georgia. It is defined in O.C.G.A. § 16-5-1 as the unlawful killing of another person with malice aforethought. Unlike most other states, Georgia does not differentiate between different degrees of murder. Instead, the broader criminal statute on homicide in Georgia provides for murder, felony murder, and separately, other forms of homicide, including voluntary and involuntary manslaughter.
Bringing a murder charge against a person requires the prosecution to show that the killing was premeditated or preplanned, and carried out with malice. Premeditation can be shown through direct evidence, such as notes and documentation, or through the method of killing, such as poisoning. Meanwhile, malice is defined as the intent to cause death or grave injury. Without proof of this intent, the prosecution doesn’t have a murder case.
Murder in Georgia must also be committed unlawfully. While this may seem an obvious requirement, given that murder is an incredibly serious crime - unlawfully in Georgia’s murder statute refers to a lack of justification or defense for killing another human being. If there is justification for the killing, it can’t be murder.
The one exception to the malice requirement takes effect when a death occurs during the commission of a different, seriously dangerous felony. That scenario is called felony murder. In Georgia, an individual convicted of murder or felony murder can be sentenced to either capital punishment or life in prison.
Looking for murder lawyers in Georgia? Start your search here.
Other Crimes
Criminal defense attorneys in Georgia are prepared to defend a variety of crimes in Georgia, but it is important to remember that experience is not limited to the most common crimes in the state. Rather, it extends to defense of federal crimes and appellate level defense. Whether you are seeking a lawyer for defense of DUI, robbery, or murder, we can help.
Importance of an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer
A criminal conviction, whether it is a minor misdemeanor or a serious felony, can have lasting effects on you and your loved ones. These experiences and their consequences are rarely forgotten. If you want the best chance for that defense to be successful as you navigate the legal process and build your criminal defense, you need to engage an experienced criminal defense attorney.
Our experienced lawyers in Georgia are ready to assist you in mounting your defense. Our legal teams strive to provide a robust and strategic defense that begins with your initial consultation. The sooner you select your lawyer, the stronger your defense can be.
If you don’t know where to turn for defense of criminal charges in Georgia, turn to us.
[Disclaimer - this is not legal advice.]
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