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Work With an Outstanding Alabama Criminal Attorney Today
If you or a family member have recently been accused or charged with a criminal offense in your state, such as theft or DUI, you probably are concerned about what will happen in the near future. You likely are wondering who will be willing to listen to your side of the events, and you want to know what your rights are and how your job and family may be affected. Most importantly you want to know who you can turn to for help.
At the first opportunity, you should consult an experienced attorney. This will help you avoid making mistakes and can also help to ease the consequences that often come with criminal charges. Now is time for a free consultation with a Alabamacriminal lawyer who has a proven track record in criminal cases just like the one you or a loved one may be facing. You have the right to remain silent and protect your interests, but the sooner you meet with a criminal attorney the better off you will be. Remember, just because a person is charged with a state offense does not mean that they will be found guilty. Hiring a good criminal lawyer can help protect you and your family and will provide you with information on the rights and options that you may have. Many attorneys will even offer free advice during the initial meeting so that you can decide the next steps you wish to take.
Are You Looking for an Experience Criminal Lawyer?
We have an experienced and professional team of criminal attorneys that are well-versed in many areas of crime from domestic violence to fraud to DUI. We have capable lawyers who specialize in areas of criminal defense like theft, aggravated assault, manslaughter, sexual offenses, weapons charges and much more.
The sooner you act the better. It doesn't matter if you are actually facing charges or you simply fear that there will be repercussions for an act in your past, the longer it takes to get legal counsel, the fewer options you will have. Our Alabama criminal attorneys have the expertise to fully understand how state law works and they will be able to offer valuable advice to you during your first meeting.
Build Up a Strong Defense for a DUI Charge
One of the most common charges at the state level is a DUI. Though consequences of this action can vary, many times they will include a night in jail, alcohol education classes, heavy fines and even a suspended driver's license. A smart move is to find a Alabama criminal attorney who has the expertise and knowledge in DUI cases like the one you may be facing. Our experienced lawyers can help to find out if you qualify as a first time offender, to explain the fines and other penalties that you could face, and how you can plan, together, the defense strategy. They will also help you to understand how this type of charge may affect other parts of your life like your auto insurance and even your job.
Good Lawyers are Focused on Specific Areas of Law
Our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys concentrates on certain areas of the law. This helps them to gain thorough knowledge of their legal specialty and also helps them build up strong track records in specific types of cases. They will also have comprehensive information about particular state laws and know how they relate to your personal case. Our lawyers will use this background to formulate a solid defense strategy for your individual case. We help to match you with the perfect lawyer for your unique situation.
What to Expect From Your Criminal Lawyer
When you first meet with your criminal lawyer for a consultation you will need to discuss the facts of your case. Your attorney will be able to share their own expertise of the law and how it will relate to the charges being brought against you. You should always be as candid as you can be with your lawyer and be willing to ask them questions. Your attorney will make sure to keep your information confidential and will strive to represent your best interests. It is important for you to follow any advice that is given to you by your attorney and to understand that patience may be needed.
A Strong Reputation Will Count
Our lawyers belong to a variety of professional groups like the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. You will be able to track the success rate of our attorneys throughout their careers which can give you peace of mind. Our attorneys have been thoroughly screened in order to ensure they are providing top notch legal counsel.
You Can Trust Our Attorneys
The perfect criminal lawyer for you will be the one who is going to advocate for your best interests. They will be able to earn your trust, adhere to the highest ethical standards and provide you with that extra boost of confidence that is always needed in these situations.
Our lawyers will know the common methods of defense for you and will handle your case with the urgency and care that you need. Avoid mistakes early on in the criminal process by choosing an attorney quickly. It is important to have the trustworthy legal support that comes from professional counsel. Call one of our qualified attorneys today!
Worried About Criminal Charges for Theft or Another Crime in Alabama?
When arrested or charged with a crime in Alabama, the definition of such criminal activity and the potential punishment are found in Title 13A of the Code of Alabama.These are the written laws that prosecutors, judges, and Alabama criminal defense lawyers read and interpret at the start of any criminal case, and it is likewise important for a criminal defendant to understand these laws.
Under Alabama criminal law, all crimes are categorized by type (i.e., offenses involving damage to property or offenses involving danger or harm to a person), and then separately, by severity. Every state divides crimes into two broad categories –felony and misdemeanor – based on the severity of the crime. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes, punishable by up to one year in jail, and felonies are more serious crimes and can be punished by long sentences in prison.
The determination whether a crime is a felony or misdemeanor is based on the extent of the victim’s injury, the amount of property damaged or taken, or even, how the actor carried out the crime, such as use of a deadly weapon. Felonies and misdemeanors are further divided into classes. According to Ala. Code. § 13A-5-3, the applicable classes of felonies and misdemeanors are: Class A felony, Class B felony, Class C felony, or Class D felony and Class A misdemeanor, Class B misdemeanor or Class C misdemeanor.
Even if the charge against you is for the least serious misdemeanor, which is a Class C misdemeanor, you must never dismiss it as inconsequential. In Alabama, misdemeanors can result in hefty fines that rise to the level of thousands of dollars or up to a year in jail.
Facing criminal charges in Alabama? Find a top criminal lawyer here.
Five Common Crimes Charged in Alabama
Are you looking for information about a specific criminal charge? The most common crimes in Alabama aren’t always easy to understand when you simply read the statute, instead it helps to have further explanation of the crimes and decisions by courts in Alabama.
The best way to learn about Alabama’s criminal code and what being charged with a specific crime can mean for you is to speak with an Alabama criminal defense lawyer.
Theft of Property
In many states, the taking of another person’s property without permission is called larceny, but Alabama’s criminal code simply calls it “theft of property.” In general, theft of property is defined in Ala. Code § 13A-8-2 as knowingly or by deception taking or obtaining the property of another individual, with the intent to deprive the individual of that property. This definition addresses two elements that contribute to a charge of theft of property. First, knowingly or through deception taking or obtaining property belonging to another person. Second, an intent to deprive the owner of that property.
Alabama law contemplates four degrees of theft – first degree, second degree, third degree, and fourth degree. Each of these represents a different level of theft and a more specific level of seriousness than would be achieved by classifying the crime simply as a misdemeanor or felony. First degree is the most serious theft charge in Alabama, and it involves the taking of property with a value of more than $2,500. As the least serious, fourth degree involves the taking of property valued at less than $500.
Penalties for theft of property vary and are dependent upon the degree assigned to the theft. First degree theft is a Class B felony, and the potential penalty ranges from two to 20 years in prison. Second degree theft is a Class C felony, and its potential penalty is one to 10 years in prison. Third degree theft is a Class D felony for which a first-time offender will not receive prison time, but will have a felony on his or her criminal record and be charged a fine. As a misdemeanor, fourth degree theft can result in an individual being required to serve up to one year in county jail.
The theft of services is similarly punished under Alabama law, but is considered a separate crime under entirely separate statues. The applicable statutes for theft of services are Ala. Code § 13A-8-10 through § 13A-8-10.3.
Find top theft lawyers in Alabama here.
Felony Assault
Most states define assault as intentionally or recklessly causing physical injury to another person and, according to Ala. Code § 13A-6-20 through § 13A-6-22, assault can be either a felony or a misdemeanor. Felony assault is a much more serious charge, and while there three degrees of assault charges under Alabama criminal law, only assault in the first or second degree is a felony offense.
The difference between first degree and second degree felony assault is based on a number of factors and a prosecutor will seek a charge of first degree felony assault in any of these five scenarios:
Conviction for a first degree felony assault will result in a state prison sentence of not less than two years and not more than 20 years. If a deadly weapon or instrument was used in commission of the assault, the punishment must be a minimum of 10 years in prison. In certain situations, an individual can also be fined. Second degree felony assault carries a prison sentence of not less than one year and one day, but not more than 10 years.
Find top felony assault lawyers in Alabama.
Burglary is a criminal offense found in the Code of Alabama, Title 13A, Chapter 7. According to the specific statutes on burglary, found at Ala. Code § 13A-7-5 through § 13A-7-7, trespassing in the building of another person with the intent of committing a crime is considered burglary.
Burglary was originally defined as breaking and entering into the dwelling of another at night; however, Alabama has, like most states, expanded its definition to include buildings other than the home and other hours of the day. One element of the traditional law that does remain is that burglary of a person’s home is still considered more serious and carries a stiffer punishment. In Alabama, burglary of the home is called home invasion burglary.
Intent is very important when burglary charges are being levied. The prosecution must show that the defendant trespassed in another’s building with the intent of committing a crime. Although this can be difficult to do, certain circumstances, such as carrying materials necessary to steal property, could prove the defendant’s intent.
Alabama’s criminal code divides burglary into first degree, second degree, and third degree burglary. First degree burglary, the most serious, is defined as entering the home or dwelling of another person with the intent to commit a crime while the defendant is armed with explosives, injures someone other than him or herself, or uses or threatens to use a weapon or dangerous instrumentality. First degree burglary is a Class A felony, and it can be punished by 10 to 99 years in state prison.
Charges of second and third degree burglary are differentiated based on the type of building that was burgled. A crime committed in a dwelling/house is second degree burglary, punishable by two to 20 years in state prison and a fine of up to $30,000. If the burglary was committed in a non-residential building, such an office, it is considered a third degree burglary. If the occupants of the house were not home when the burglary occurred, an individual may be charged with the lesser offense of third degree burglary which carries a punishment ranging from a minimum of one year and one day in state prison to a maximum of 10 years.
Find top burglary lawyers in Alabama.
In Alabama, you can be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI). While criminalized, the statute on DUI isn’t found in Alabama’s criminal code. Instead both the general prohibition on DUI and the criminal punishments are found at Ala. Code § 32-5A-191.
A driver is charged with DUI if he or she is found to be operating a vehicle when the driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher. Alabama law enforcement can measure your BAC through either a roadside breath test or a chemical test administered at the police station. The roadside breathalyzer test will be administered before an arrest is made or charges filed.
Drivers can refuse to submit to the roadside test without incurring an immediate penalty, but Alabama law imposes administrative penalties of either 90 days or one year in jail (depending on whether yours is a first or second offense) on drivers who refuse to take a chemical test once they arrive at the police station. By simply driving on Alabama’s roads, individuals give their tacit consent to undergo this chemical test. Chemical tests can also include tests for controlled substances other than alcohol.
Alabama’s penalty for DUI or DWI depends upon the number of an offender’s prior DUI offenses. A first-time offender faces up to one year in county jail, a fine between $500 and $2,000, and a mandatory 90-day suspension of his or her license. A second offender faces a minimum of 48 hours and up to one year in county jail or a minimum of 20 hours of community service, a fine not less than $1,000, and a one year suspension or revocation of his or her driver’s license.
If an individual is convicted of DUI four times or more, the offense becomes a Class C felony and carries much more serious penalties. An individual can face up to 10 years in state prison, a fine of not less than $4,000 – and up to $10,000, and license revocation of five years.
Find a DUI lawyer in Alabama.
Murder is a capital crime in Alabama, and it can carry the most serious punishment possible. For a number of reasons, the prosecution may seek murder charges against a defendant following the death of another human being. As found in Ala. Code § 13A-6-2, murder is most often defined as the killing of another person with the intent to take a human life.
Murder is also charged for the killing of another person when the defendant acted with recklessness or extreme indifference to human life; or when death occurs while the defendant was committing a felony such as arson, burglary, escape, kidnapping, robbery, sodomy, or other felony that is dangerous to human life. Another situation that could result in murder charges is arson that results in the death of a firefighter or other public servant.
In Alabama, murder is a Class A felony and, as such, conviction can lead to a minimum of 20 years in state prison up to a maximum sentence of 99 years. In the most egregious situations, a prosecutor can seek a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Find a murder defense lawyer in Alabama.
Other Crimes
The lawyers who comprise Criminal Law are prepared to defend a variety of crimes in Alabama. Our experience is not limited to the most common crimes in the state; rather, it extends to defense of federal crimes as well as pursuit of appeals to higher courts. Whether you are seeking a lawyer to defend you against charges of DUI or robbery, we can help.
Importance of an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer
Alabama’s criminal lawyers defend individuals charged with offenses ranging from murder to property crimes, as well as driving under the influence, embezzlement, and many others. Irrespective of the crime, a top criminal lawyer can provide sound advice and skilled court representation.
However, building a defense against criminal charges involves much more than simply showing up for court appearances. You need a criminal lawyer that provides representation that extends from arraignment through pretrial motions and continues through negotiations with prosecutors, and advocating for you at trial. Throughout this legal process, an experienced Alabama criminal defense lawyer builds a case-specific defense that results in the best possible outcome for each client.
If you are looking for a top criminal lawyer and don’t know where to turn for defense of criminal charges in Alabama, turn to us.
[Disclaimer - this is not legal advice.]
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