Your Indianapolis Criminal Lawyer

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Find a Skilled Indianapolis Criminal Attorney Today

Facing criminal charges can be intimidating and overwhelming. It can be easy to put off making a decision, hoping that things will somehow get better on their own. However, your best course of action is to get in touch with an Indianapolis lawyer right away. The sooner you get legal counseling, the more likely you are to get a favorable outcome and protection against the law. Working with an experienced local lawyer who has handled many cases in the area ensures that you're in capable hands.

Learn the Legalities of DUI Charges

One of the most common criminal charges in major metropolitan areas, such as Indianapolis, is a DUI. The consequences of the charge often include significant fines, a night in prison, driver's license suspension, and alcohol awareness courses. Some people also suffer major ramifications in their professional lives when they have DUI charges on their records. For example, the charge can compromise your chances of getting into college.

Seek out an experienced lawyer who is familiar with local DUI legalities and logistics. For example, Indiana has an implied consent law. This means that if you refuse to complete a chemical test, your driver’s license will be automatically suspended and you’ll be subject to a fine.

Lawyers Who Know Indianapolis Law

Laws vary in different states, cities, and counties. You want to make sure that you are getting a strong defense for your local charges. Even when you don't have to serve time in prison, a local criminal charge can still have severe consequences. All of our Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers are well versed in the local city laws and will fight to protect the rights of every single client they serve. Regardless of the specific charge that you're facing, they're prepared to handle it.

You Can Make Your Situation Better

There are a number of things that you can do to make your proceedings go more smoothly. Set up an initial meeting with a trustworthy lawyer. Don't be afraid to ask questions so that you have all of the information you need to make an informed decision about proceeding with a particular attorney. Be honest and open with the lawyer so that he fully understands your side of the story and can put together an appropriate defense. 

You can also help your lawyer by keeping all of your appointments, showing up to meetings early and respectfully dressed, providing all required paperwork in a timely manner, remaining patient throughout the process, and following all legal advice that you're given.

When you find yourself facing criminal charges, don't hesitate to get legal help as soon as possible. Set up a complimentary consultation with one of our knowledgeable attorneys today.

Criminal Offense Categories

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